About Montessori

About Montessori

 Montessori is an educational approach focusing on independence, respect for a child’s natural development, and freedom (within limits). It is founded on the premise that while children develop in different ways and at different rates, they do so in a defined sequence. The Montessori approach holds that young children have a natural drive to understand the world around them and they can best learn through self-teaching in carefully prepared environments, under the guidance of a caring teacher.

Montessori Teachers

Montessori teachers help individual children find challenges appropriate for their skill level. While traditional teachers tend to act as leaders and organizers, Montessori teachers serve more as a guides and facilitators. It is their job to provide positive reinforcement and steer children towards challenging activities while respecting their freedom of choice.

Montessori Classrooms

Classrooms in Montessori schools are specially designed to spark curiosity, minimize unnecessary failure and promote feelings of joy when achievement occurs. Children start by focusing on concrete and manipulative tasks then shift to more abstract tasks as knowledge and proficiency increase. In a Montessori classroom, the goal is to stimulate the desire for self-exploration and understanding.


During the experience of education, children also learn how to move ahead, how to interact, and how to get along. Children are directed toward the understanding that their role in this world is one of cooperation. This leads to an integration of the self with others and with the world.

Limitless Opportunity

Our environment at South Shore Montessori School is prepared for the child’s exploration and the teacher responds to the child’s interests and needs as he moves to higher levels of learning. The child responds to the order within the classroom and to the lack of restraints on academic pursuits. The child’s desire to learn is encouraged by his freedom of movement as he makes choices among all the materials and lessons with well-trained Montessori teachers guiding him along the way. At all levels the child experiences learning as a limitless opportunity.
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